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ALL Dreams Waitlist

USD $1.00/month
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The ALL- IN- ONE Platformdedicated for athlets is coming!

For athletes around the world who struggle with lack the financial support and gaining exposure to reach their full potential, and for the parents of these athletes who need a solution for storing the athletes' videos (highlights, training sessions, and sports moments), ALL Dreams provides an all in one platform that helps athletes capture and share their sports journey, build a community, and gain financial support through subscriptions, donations, and product sales.


Dreamers Vault Monthly Subscription for Dreamers

USD $5.00/month
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  • Up to 10 Video Uploads per month

  • Unlimited Fundraising Feature

  • Learn to Document PDF

  • Year End Documentary Video 

When Your supporters Subscribe to your Dreamers Vault YOU Earn Money



Dreamers Vault Monthly Subscription for Supporters

USD $5.00/month
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Find the Dreamer that you want to support and sign up for their Dreamers Vault

  • Unlimited access to one Dreamers Vault of choice 

  • Great feeling of supporting a child's DREAM and being apart of the progress of that DREAM



Julio the Brave's Dreamers Vault

USD $100.00/year
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Noah Harrison's Dreamers Vault

Free for 3 days USD $150.00/year
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Welcome to Noah Harrison's Dreamer Vault. Noah Harrison is a 14 year old student athlete from Albion, NY. Noah is a high honor roll student and a standout wide receiver on the Albion varsity football team. Noah Dreams to achieve a scholarship to play at The Ohio State University and ultimately Dreams play professional football in the NFL. A new capsule video of his journey, progress, and achievements added each month. You will also have access to behind the scenes videos from Noah. You receive Noah's Dream Box with your subscription. 


Bo Bell's Yearly Dreamers Vault

USD $150.00/year
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Bo Bell Basketball Academy Dreamers Vault Yearly Subscription

USD $150.00/year
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Project 45

Free for 7 days USD $150.00/year
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Project 45 is Hassan El-Saddique's Dreamer Vault. In this series you will watch Hassan as he goes after his Dream to become a professional basketball player in Latin America at 45 Years old. 


Alanna Bell's Dreamers Vault

Free for 3 days USD $150.00/year
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Donell Nixon II Dreamers Vault

Free for 3 days USD $150.00/year
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Miguel David Berrio Rivera

Free for 3 days USD $150.00/year
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Miguel was born in Caracas, Venezuela, he is 16 years old, he has been playing baseball since he was 6 years old, his biggest dream is to be a player in the big leagues, until now he has won a trophy as the best third baseman and hitter with the most stolen bases, he has played on two teams here in Colombia, University of Cartagena and Padres de Cartagena currently practicing at the Bvc academy

His parents are Luciano Berrio and Oryanis Rivera, he is the 3rd of 4 siblings, he is in grade 11 at I. E. Clemente Manuel Zabala

He was born in Caracas Venezuela on 07/12/2007


Angie Nicole Mejia Morales

Free for 3 days USD $150.00/year
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Angie Mejía Morales, a young girl of only 15 years old, dreamer, studious and very hard-working, wants to be an Olympic champion. She knows beforehand that it is a very hard road, but she works every day to achieve it. Until now, she has won many races, the most important being a national championship in Valledupar. She does not stop training from Monday to Friday with the conviction of achieving her great goal. OLYMPIC CHAMPION. 100 METER FLAT, 200 METER FLAT AND LONG JUMP.


Youth Organizations Dreamers Vault

USD $300.00/year
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Learn to Document YOUR Life's Journey Class

USD $999.99/year
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Hi, my name is Hassan El-Saddique. I'm the founder of ALL Dreams. I have been documenting my journey for over 20 years. I have documented my sports journey from high school, college, and playing overseas as a professional basketball player.

I started documenting my entrepreneurship journey in 2005. I'm now teaching people how capturing YOUR journey going after your DREAMS can make you a full-time living and inspire 1000s of people along the way by sharing Your unique journey. 

Document YOUR Life's Journey:  Is a 9 Week Class. That includes weekly Zoom meetings, Videos of how to document (beginner to advance), PDFs work sheets, and more.  Everything You will need to get started to begin creating your LEGACY, inspire 1000s from your journey through video documenting, and Make a living from your journey is in this Class. 

Limited Seats Available pre-register now!!